Sunday, May 29, 2011

genevieve morton hot_08

genevieve morton hot_08. genevieve morton hot_08. rihanna hot pictures. Rihanna; rihanna hot pictures. Rihanna. iphones4evry1. May 6, 01:32 AM. I have definitely noticed an increase
  • genevieve morton hot_08. rihanna hot pictures. Rihanna; rihanna hot pictures. Rihanna. iphones4evry1. May 6, 01:32 AM. I have definitely noticed an increase

  • Surf Monkey
    Mar 17, 01:05 AM
    I like this thread. I like it a lot.

    genevieve morton hot_08. dwyane wade wallpaper.
  • dwyane wade wallpaper.

  • troop231
    Apr 15, 08:09 PM
    Heh, just because it looks fake doesn't mean we should rule out the fact that it COULD be a prototype. :D

    genevieve morton hot_08. genevieve morton hot_08. blonde hairstyles gallery. blonde hairstyles gallery. emotion. Sep 21, 01:39 PM. My point is that it#39;s possible that
  • genevieve morton hot_08. blonde hairstyles gallery. blonde hairstyles gallery. emotion. Sep 21, 01:39 PM. My point is that it#39;s possible that

  • twoodcc
    Apr 27, 09:22 PM

    Cool, glad you had them.

    I know what you mean about OC'ing waiting to see if it will stay up or crash each time you change something. I was looking at CPUZ on my i7 and I guess I did get it to stay at 3.2Ghz but with 3 gpu's on it I'm not going to try bigadv on it.

    I still have 4 boards not in cases - in the basement - getin' kind of dusty too :D but they were cheap and don't need any special cooling, they do fine like that. However I may retire them before too long as I decided to go ahead and get an i7 980x to do some bigadv units on. :rolleyes: I think it should do better than my Mac Pro. I hope. The board has 2 x16 slots for gpu's - when I can afford a pair of GTX 480's :p

    thanks. so i have a total of 9 GPUs, and i've got 7 of them running now. maybe one day i'll have them all up and running

    well, once you get the OC setting right, then you don't really have to worry about it. like the 2 i7s that i have running now, are both OCed. (3.5 and 3.7)

    now i thought about getting an i7 980x, but wasn't ready to spend that kind of money. i think i might just buy a pre-made system if i ever get one (feel more comfortable that way). but that would be sweet if you got one. heck, you know there's a motherboard out there that can hold 2 x i7 980x for $600 i think. now that would be awesome - but just 2 processors and motherboard would cost over $2600

    genevieve morton hot_08. love heart kisses. photography
  • love heart kisses. photography

  • SeaFox
    Oct 28, 11:23 PM
    A) It's not the OSS community that's trying to crack Apple's DRM. Lets get that straight. These people have nothing to do with that community. These guys are just pirates using the source that is out there.

    That's true. But they are the ones who are going bellyache continually about Apple not having the software available anymore. "Why can't I get the Darwin source code?" "This is unfair, they used BSD stuff and now they aren't sharing!" "Why haven't they released 10.4.9?" (when it comes out)

    They aren't going to look at it from Apple's perspective. They aren't going to say. "Well, gee thanks Apple for trying to share the software with us. We're sorry you're getting screwed over by Wintel hackers who are too cheap to just buy a Mac." They're going too say. Well, we're sorry that's happening but you have to just put up with it as part of having your stuff available. They'll make Apple out to be evil when this is all a reactionary measure. Apple wants to release Darwin as open source, otherwise they could have just released the first version and then closed the source after that (they can legally do that, just because it was open source and you released it once doesn't mean you have to keep doing it). Apple would never be able to use any newer BSD components after that, they would begin maintaining their software as a fork pretty much. They only pulled it because someone keeps hacking to run it on plain beige box Wintels. And the OSS people aren't going to look at those hackers as the ones responsible for the source being pulled.

    Many OSS people are the free as in speech types, but I feel most are a combination of the free as in speech and as in beer types. They wants software to be free for use and they don't think it should have a pricetag attached. These are the ones always saying Apple should have to release Aqua too just because the Darwin part of OSX is released.

    Oh ****! Thanks Apple! Now, how am I supposed to get Mac OS X to run on my old Linux box?

    See? There they are now. "Oh, ****! Thanks Apple!" Who's fault is it the source was pulled again?

    genevieve morton hot_08. funny poems for friends. funny
  • funny poems for friends. funny

  • hscottm
    Nov 24, 08:24 AM
    Just wanted to make a point/post about the Black Friday e-mail that was sent.

    All of the "accessories" have the old and new prices listed (with a line striking out the old price). The ipod and mac prices are actually the original, non-sale prices. The "save $xx" are reflected in the prices listed. Its not until you put one in the cart that you see an $898 price.

    My point is the "Save $101" in red for the imacs/macbooks is followed by a "starting at $999" price that is in fact the "pre-discount" price. You would think they would be advertising the sale price!

    I am not a mac model price expert (like some of you on here), but when I saw "starting at $999" for the MBs and imacs, it just didnt register as a good deal.

    They could have printed the prices in a much more clear way.

    genevieve morton hot_08. genevieve morton hot_08. koi tattoo designs. koi tattoo designs. AppliedVisual. Oct 28, 01:03 PM. Probably true, and quite sad really.
  • genevieve morton hot_08. koi tattoo designs. koi tattoo designs. AppliedVisual. Oct 28, 01:03 PM. Probably true, and quite sad really.

  • Jcoz
    Mar 17, 12:29 PM
    bunch of haters. In a society where our own government is the biggest crook of all , you all have the nerve to jump down this guy's throat because of someone else's mistake!?!?

    Plus, if you have ever been to a best buy, employees jump on and off registers all the time without logging off first. They will never know which employee did it.

    also consider that this was this guy's karma coming back to him. He did good and now he is getting rewarded.

    Plus if this cashier is dumb enough to mistake $230 for $500 plus tax then does Best Buy really want him working register and relying on customer honesty to save his job?

    I say, im glad you got an iPad2 for $230. ENjoy it because it will probably never happen again!

    Yah the OP didn't bring any of these "haters" forward by making this thread....

    I mean, WTF did the OP really expect the reaction to be?

    A standing ovation? Fedex'd cookies?

    genevieve morton hot_08. blank map of western europe
  • blank map of western europe

  • tbrinkma
    May 3, 07:28 PM
    Contract terms require "consideration" from both parties to be legally binding. Consideration is something you provide to the other party (i.e., money from you, data services from your carrier).

    What consideration are the carriers offering you for tethering? You're already paying $X for Y GB of data used on your phone.

    Ok, here's the thing. The contract, presented to you when you signed up for the service *explicitly* disallows tethering unless you sign up for that extra service. You pay them money for the service you signed up for *as defined in the contract*. There's the consideration from both sides. If you want to *add* something to that, they're going to want *you* to provide more consideration in exchange for giving you more capabilities under the service agreement *contract*.

    (Wow, there's a lot of arm-chair lawyers here who think the contract they signed doesn't apply to *them*.)

    genevieve morton hot_08. more.
  • more.

  • Music-Man
    Jan 9, 03:33 PM

    Mum just rang me to see if I'd seen the new Apple *****!

    She TOLD ME!

    But at least I haven't seen it yet.

    Come on. Where is this video? 5 more mins.

    genevieve morton hot_08. genevieve morton hot_08. lionel messi wallpaper 2010; lionel messi wallpaper 2010. wdogmedia. Aug 29, 01:01 PM. Come on, people, let#39;s cut Greenpeace some
  • genevieve morton hot_08. lionel messi wallpaper 2010; lionel messi wallpaper 2010. wdogmedia. Aug 29, 01:01 PM. Come on, people, let#39;s cut Greenpeace some

  • RebootD
    Apr 8, 01:29 PM
    More sensationalist "reporting" from another tech blog. Best Buy has been known for holding hot items (game consoles, etc.) for Sunday flyer promotions, for years. It was obvious that was what was going on here.

    But no, Tech-Crunch-Gear-Whatever has to drag Apple, even Tim Cook into it. What a bunch of gossip rags... it's embarrassing.:eek:

    And fake outrage from the people here :rolleyes:

    They are a store and can do as they please with their inventory. If they want to keep 20 of them locked in a sealed vault they can for as long as they want.

    It only gets into the "wrong" territory if they held back stock and then charged more than MSRP creating a fake supply shortage to boost prices.

    genevieve morton hot_08. Lauren Conrad Wallpaper.
  • Lauren Conrad Wallpaper.

  • paradox00
    Apr 25, 12:54 PM
    So that is fine, I dont think people will care if they skip 5. Why are you adamant that they wont skip 5?

    Why are you so adamant that they will use 4S instead of 5?

    -The 3GS had an identical appearance to the 3G, but with upgraded internals, hence the S.
    -A 3.7" iPhone would not have an identical appearance to the iPhone 4 by virtue of the screen size alone, so there would be no reason to simply add an S.
    -3G is a feature description, adding an S might make some sense there as it could also be considered a "feature description". 4 is a revision number, why would they add an S to that? 4.5 or 5 would make more sense.
    -The iPhone 4 and iOS 4 were launched in the same time frame, it makes sense for the numbers on each to match up. What's next? iPhone 5 and iOS 5 of course. I don't know why they'd stray from matching revision numbers so quickly after finally achieving them.
    -If they plan on calling the phone after this 6, why would they skip 5, which sounds like a bigger upgrade than 4S?

    As far as I'm concerned, 4S is the least likely name possible for the next iPhone. iPhone 5, 4G (LTE), 4.5 (very unlikely), and plain "iPhone" all have a much greater chance than 4S (with 5 being the most likely). I just spent way to much time on this minor issue though.

    genevieve morton hot_08. tiger face painting ideas.
  • tiger face painting ideas.

  • quagmire
    Jul 27, 11:25 AM
    Chevrolet announced the Volt will be priced at $41,000 before tax credits. You can choose to lease it for $350/month.

    genevieve morton hot_08. genevieve morton hot_08. modelos de curriculums. modelos de curriculums. kazmac. Apr 28, 07:50 AM
  • genevieve morton hot_08. modelos de curriculums. modelos de curriculums. kazmac. Apr 28, 07:50 AM

  • wirelessmacuser
    Dec 16, 05:22 PM
    4G is a myth

    V CAST Media Manager is Verizon's version of Apples walled garden of content sales and control. They are not compatible.

    This ought to be interesting. It was a deal breaker the first time Apple pitched the iPhone to Verizon, perhaps this time they've caved, so they could join Apple and hope some of the hype & success slides their way.

    This is going to be one interesting movie.... :)

    genevieve morton hot_08. nature wallpapers for desktop
  • nature wallpapers for desktop

  • dethmaShine
    Apr 12, 08:45 AM
    It's certainly possible that the next version of iLife that will ship with Lion-based Macs will be ad supported and provide a link to MAS to get rid of the ads, but we aren't there yet. ;)


    Not possible.

    But yes, we aren't there yet. :P

    genevieve morton hot_08. genevieve morton hot_08. map of eastern europe. map of eastern europe. cwelsh. Apr 21, 08:57 AM
  • genevieve morton hot_08. map of eastern europe. map of eastern europe. cwelsh. Apr 21, 08:57 AM

  • Clive At Five
    Oct 19, 02:20 PM
    With each and every release of a new OS (going back beyond Windows), Microsoft has made hyperbolic claims about how good it was going to be. As anyone who's followed this for a while knows, Microsoft's claims rarely live up to reality.

    I don't doubt this, but from someone who has been using Windows since 3.1.1, take my word that Vista is a gigantic improvement over XP. While I agree that MS's claims of grandure aren't justified, there's no denying that Vista is a noteworthy upgrade (rather than an 8-month downgrade until SP1 surfaces).

    Unfortunately for Microsoft, their "good enough" philosophy also works for a lot of their customers. They're used to not being motivated by newer and theoretically better.

    You're half right and half wrong. Some people wouldn't even consider upgrading (whether it's because they don't know what Vista is / how it's different or due to apathy). More people, however, will (one way or another) become convinced that an upgrade is necessary. They're also convinced that whatever slop MS puts on their plate is good enough (as you suggested). They say, "This upgrade from XP to Vista is good enough for MS so it's good enough for me. No need to explore the other options."

    All that being said, Microsoft will sell a zillion copies of Vista. Most of those will be through the OEM pipeline. The OEMs will buy it because they don't have a choice. This is how each and every version of Windows has become a "success." It's Microsoft's dirty little secret.

    And sadly, it doesn't matter how they're sold. Once people start using Vista and see that it's an improvement over what they've been using. They won't consider a switch to the Mac. People talk often about iLemmings, but it really goes QUITE understated the number of MS Lemmings there are. (Think "1984" ad.) MS has great power over those who are unconscious to the computing world. Vista is not going to change that. The only thing that will drive people to the Mac is their becoming "conscious." That is much harder to do and Apple deserves MUCH applause for the amount of waking up they've done to the MS Lemmings.


    genevieve morton hot_08. latest layered hairstyles.
  • latest layered hairstyles.

  • lordonuthin
    May 3, 12:03 AM
    well i think i finally got my home built system running at 4.0 ghz. it has been a long journey, to say the least. but it's folding away a bigadv unit and 2 GPUs. hopefully this will last all week since i'll be away

    Great you have it working now and hopefully it will stay up a week.

    I had a power outage that I didn't know about and didn't check all of my machines for a day, oh well it's only 20 or 30 thousand points :rolleyes:

    edit: added pics

    genevieve morton hot_08. genevieve morton hot_08. tribal arm tattoos. tribal arm tattoos. Multimedia. Oct 21, 01:11 PM. Anyone know anything about these suppliers,
  • genevieve morton hot_08. tribal arm tattoos. tribal arm tattoos. Multimedia. Oct 21, 01:11 PM. Anyone know anything about these suppliers,

  • neiltc13
    Sep 12, 08:37 AM
    It has to come back soon, think of all the sales they're losing!

    genevieve morton hot_08. genevieve morton hot_08. leg tattoos for girls. small; leg tattoos for girls. small. GGJstudios. May 3, 08:09 PM
  • genevieve morton hot_08. leg tattoos for girls. small; leg tattoos for girls. small. GGJstudios. May 3, 08:09 PM

  • TomCondon
    Apr 5, 03:26 PM
    Well, then I'm a complete moron.

    Some people are actually interested in marketing, and would love to have a centralized place to view how large companies are advertising on one of the largest mobile spaces in the world.

    By all means, go back to playing Doodle Jump.

    gladly, be boring.

    Those ads are not exactly the pinnacle of creativity


    genevieve morton hot_08. map
  • map

  • SilentPanda
    Apr 21, 12:20 PM
    I would imagine this thread is getting a lot of -1 votes simply because the feature is new and people want to point at the thread to show that the system will mostly produce negative votes.

    genevieve morton hot_08. genevieve morton hot_08. skull tattoo sleeves. skull tattoo sleeves. LethalWolfe. Apr 13, 12:59 AM. The people complaining about Color going away are going
  • genevieve morton hot_08. skull tattoo sleeves. skull tattoo sleeves. LethalWolfe. Apr 13, 12:59 AM. The people complaining about Color going away are going

  • mizzoucat
    Sep 12, 08:14 AM
    It's a shame. I woke up this morning ready to purchase 1,000,000 iTunes songs. Apple missed out on a big opportunity.

    Sep 12, 01:18 AM
    I really don't care anymore...tomorrow will probably follow a familiar formula - some disappointments, some bullseyes.

    This is what I want after seeing the infamous "cube with a handle" patent that surfaced earlier this week:

    Apple already did that design. It's called the Apple G4 Cube.

    Oct 28, 11:23 PM
    A) It's not the OSS community that's trying to crack Apple's DRM. Lets get that straight. These people have nothing to do with that community. These guys are just pirates using the source that is out there.

    That's true. But they are the ones who are going bellyache continually about Apple not having the software available anymore. "Why can't I get the Darwin source code?" "This is unfair, they used BSD stuff and now they aren't sharing!" "Why haven't they released 10.4.9?" (when it comes out)

    They aren't going to look at it from Apple's perspective. They aren't going to say. "Well, gee thanks Apple for trying to share the software with us. We're sorry you're getting screwed over by Wintel hackers who are too cheap to just buy a Mac." They're going too say. Well, we're sorry that's happening but you have to just put up with it as part of having your stuff available. They'll make Apple out to be evil when this is all a reactionary measure. Apple wants to release Darwin as open source, otherwise they could have just released the first version and then closed the source after that (they can legally do that, just because it was open source and you released it once doesn't mean you have to keep doing it). Apple would never be able to use any newer BSD components after that, they would begin maintaining their software as a fork pretty much. They only pulled it because someone keeps hacking to run it on plain beige box Wintels. And the OSS people aren't going to look at those hackers as the ones responsible for the source being pulled.

    Many OSS people are the free as in speech types, but I feel most are a combination of the free as in speech and as in beer types. They wants software to be free for use and they don't think it should have a pricetag attached. These are the ones always saying Apple should have to release Aqua too just because the Darwin part of OSX is released.

    Oh ****! Thanks Apple! Now, how am I supposed to get Mac OS X to run on my old Linux box?

    See? There they are now. "Oh, ****! Thanks Apple!" Who's fault is it the source was pulled again?

    Nov 24, 08:17 AM
    Huge saving on airport express. New Airport Ultra Express (802.11n) at Macworld!

    Confirmed! :)

    Can you please tell us where you heard that? Regardless, I think I will still go with the sale and get another Express. Don't base it on the sale because they have had the Expresses on sale for the last two black Fridays.

    Dec 4, 06:39 PM
    I was playing this game today and the final kill cam was of a guy getting shot who was standing in the middle of a road (where he spawned) aimed at the sky shooting at a helicopter with what looked like a Light Machine gun of some sort. The guy who shot him was in a room looking out a window. As the replay was going on i stated over the mic "now there's an intelligent player" referring to the guy who was under no cover trying to take down a chopper with a gun. The guy who was shooting at the chopper stated that he was trying to fulfill and achievement by taking the chopper down.

    I thought about this and realized that this goal/reward system in the game (this goes for most online FPS's) in a way made this player do something so stupid. The player was only looking to fulfill his own personal goals and thought nothing of the team and the loss that occurred cause of it.

    So I ask you, (the reader) does this make sense to have in the game when it forces players to go out of there way for personal goals and shift away from the overall team play?

    Nov 16, 11:51 AM
    I'm sure that somewhere in their headquarters Apple keeps a build of OS X on AMD like they did with Intel. But Idon't think that anyone outside of Apple will see it at least for several years.

    Would it even require a different build? After all, it's still x86 architecture no?

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